Covington, Ky. -- Covington's newly elected Commissioners, Tim Acri and James Toebbe, participated in a 2½-day training session for new officials in Lexington. The event was organized by the Kentucky League of Cities.
Both Acri and Toebbe described the sessions as "informative and educational," covering topics such as procedures, ethical guidelines, roles and responsibilities, state laws, and ongoing issues. The program also facilitated networking with other local government officials from across Kentucky.
Acri commented that the training was "eye opening" and detailed many items necessary for elected officials to understand. He mentioned gaining knowledge on subjects ranging from ABC laws to Open Records Requests and city government operations. He appreciated the opportunity to discuss both positive aspects and challenges faced by elected officials.
Toebbe found the presentations from KLC "informative and easy to follow," noting they were made enjoyable by the presenters. He learned about abstaining from votes due to conflicts of interest, taxes, and potential legislation in Frankfort affecting cities like Covington. Additionally, he valued meeting other elected officials from Northern Kentucky and throughout the state.